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关于举办“ Stock Management Problem: Adaptive Fixed-Time Convergent Continuous Controller Design & Finite-and Fixed-Time Convergent Algorithms: Design and Convergence Time Estimation”学术讲座的通知

报告人::Michael Basin教授

报告时间:20191120(星期三)   10:00 -17:00



1. Stock Management Problem: Adaptive Fixed-Time Convergent Continuous Controller Design(库存管理问题:固定时间收敛的连续自适应控制器设计)

2. Finite-and Fixed-Time Convergent Algorithms: Design and Convergence Time Estimation(有限时间和固定时间收敛算法:设计和收敛时间估计)

Michael Basin教授简介:


Michael V. Basin(SM' 07,M' 95) received his Ph.D. degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences with major in Automatic Control and System Analysis from the Moscow Aviation University (MAI) in 1992. He is currently Full Professor with the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and Leading Researcher with ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Starting from 1992, Dr. Basin published more than 300 research papers in international referred journals and conference proceedings. He is the author of the monograph “New Trends in Optimal Filtering and Control for Polynomial and Time-Delay Systems,” published by Springer. His works are cited more than 3500 times (h index = 32). Dr. Basin has supervised 14 doctoral and 7 master's theses. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief and serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of The Franklin Institute, a Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, an Associate Editor of Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, IET-Control Theory and Applications, International Journal of Systems Science, Neural Networks. Dr. Basin was awarded a title of Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters, the publisher of Science Citation Index, in 2009; he is a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. His research interests include optimal filtering and control problems, stochastic systems, time-delay systems, identification, sliding mode control and variable structure systems.

上一条:关于举办“泰国环保技术及政策分析-以泰国污水行业为例”学术讲座的通知 下一条:关于举办“Progress of mechanical vibration for system monitoring”学术讲座的通知
