当前位置: 首页 >> 研究生导师 >> 环境工程 >> 正文 张冰 时间:2021年03月01日 11:10 作者:国合基地 张冰,教授,硕士生导师,重庆英才‧创新创业领军人才。博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学环境学院,加拿大卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)访问学者。担任重庆工商大学–重庆南向泰斯环保技术研究院执行副院长,重庆渝江智能科技有限公司执行董事,重庆市永川区科技特派员,重庆工商大学环境科学与工程学科评议组成员,湖北厚水科技发展有限公司、重庆淏园碳中和技术研究院技术顾问,哈尔滨工业大学重庆校友会市政环境分会副会长,《中国给水排水》、《净水技术》期刊青年编委,城市水资源开发利用(南方)国家工程中心专家库专家。主要从事膜法水处理理论与技术、高级氧化等领域的研究;主持国家自然科学基金、重庆市科技局、重庆市教委等科研项目11项;在Water Research、Journal of Membrane Science、Desalination、Separation and Purification Technology、《中国环境科学》、《化工学报》等水处理领域知名期刊发表论文40余篇;申请国家发明专利20余项(授权7项);出版学术专著2部;获中国发明协会发明创业奖成果奖二等奖1项,重庆工商大学科技进步一等奖1项。 指导研究生研究方向:膜法水处理技术;高级氧化技术;污水资源化再生回用技术。 联系咨询方式(邮件:hitzhangbing@163.com),重庆工商大学商智楼1212。 (一) 主持承担的项目 (12)膜技术处理水产养殖废水效能及膜污染机制与控制研究,重庆市自然科学基金重点项目,2023.09–2026.09,在研,主持。 (11)智慧水务产品商业模式研发,企业委托课题,2023.10–2023.12,已结题,主持。 (10)正渗透膜处理水产养殖废水活性层污染机制与控制研究,重庆工商大学重点科研平台开放课题,2022.12–2024.12,在研,主持。 (9)红线虫(水蚯蚓)在APOW-MBR膜工艺设备上的应用研究,企业委托课题,2022.07–2023.07,已结题,主持。 (8)膜蒸馏处理水产养殖废水膜污染机制与控制研究,重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目,2022.10–2025.09,在研,主持。 (7)菌藻共生好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器的构建及膜污染机制与控制研究,国家自然科学基金,2021.01–2023.12,已结题,主持。 (6)菌藻共生好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器稳定运行的作用机制,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2020.07–2023.06,已结题,主持。 (5)臭氧–好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器稳定运行的作用机制,重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目,2020.10–2023.09,已结题,主持。 (4)三元驱采油废水微滤处理中的微界面过程分析及膜污染控制机制研究(1956051),重庆工商大学科研启动经费重点项目,2020.01–2022.12,已结题,主持。 (3)膜组合反应器的开发及其对污染物强化去除工艺的研究,企业委托课题,2020.07–2021.06,已结题,主持。 (2)三元驱采油废水微滤处理中的膜污染机理研究,重庆工商大学科研平台开放课题,2019.11–2021.12,已结题,主持。 (1)城市污水设施智能运行管理关键技术研发,重庆市教育委员会重大项目,2020.11–2023.10,已结题,参与。 (二)研究论文 (35)Zhang B, Li JP, Wang XP, Ma TF, Shen Y, Zhang B*, Qin Y*, Liu YN, Shi WX. Enhanced mitigation of membrane fouling and degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid in the treatment of natural surface water through the application of dielectric barrier discharge/sulfite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 490: 151894. (34)Mao X, Wang QN, Chang HQ, Liu B*, Zhou SQ, Deng L, Zhang B*, Qu FS. Moderate Oxidation of Algae-laden Water: Principles and Challenges. Water Research, 2024, 257: 121674. (33)Shi WX, Li QJ, Qi RQ, Tang HL, Zhang B*. Fe3S4/persulfate-based pre-oxidation for mitigating membrane fouling and enhancing synergistic perfluorooctanoic acid removal: Influence of pH and persulfate types. Journal of Membrane Science, 2024, 692: 122316. (32)Zhang B, Li KP, Mao X, Ma TF, Wang ML, Zhang B*, Shen Y, Shi WX. Insights into the alleviation of membrane fouling in AGMBR through thermal/Fe2+-activated persulfate pre-oxidation: Performance and mechanisms. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 56: 104484. (31)Zhang B, Shen J, Xiong JH, Shen Y, Zhang B*, Shi WX. Influence of solution and operating conditions on the treatment of aquaculture wastewater using direct contact membrane distillation: Ammonia rejection and membrane fouling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478: 147326. (30)Zhang B, Shi JY, Shi WX*, Guo Y, Lens P.N.L., Zhang B*. Effect of different inocula on the granulation process, reactor performance and biodiesel production of algal-bacterial granular sludge (ABGS) under low aeration conditions. Chemosphere, 2023, 345: 140391. (29)Zhang B, Tang HL, Huang DM, Xiong JH, Wang ML, Shi WX*, Shen Y*. Long-term operational performance and membrane fouling mechanisms of AGMBR treating municipal wastewater under different superficial air velocities. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 326: 124892. (28)Zhang B, Shen J, Mao X, Zhang B*, Shen Y, Shi WX. A novel membrane bioreactor inoculated with algal-bacterial granular sludge for sewage reuse and membrane fouling mitigation: Performance and mechanism. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 334: 122194. (27)Huang SC, Zhang B*, Zhao ZW, Yang C, Zhang B, Cui FY, Piet N.L. Lens, Shi WX*. Metagenomic analysis reveals the responses of microbial communities and nitrogen metabolic pathways to polystyrene micro(nano)plastics in activated sludge systems. Water Research, 2023, 241: 120161. (26)Shen Y, Mao X, Liu F, Yin WJ, Shi WX, Zhang B*. A comparison study of heat-assisted Fe2+/persulfate and powdered activated carbon/persulfate wastewater pre-treatment for membrane fouling alleviation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 406: 137127. (25)Zhang B, Tang HL, Huang DM, Liu C, Shi WX*, Shen Y*. Effect of superficial gas velocity on membrane fouling behavior and evolution during municipal wastewater treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 315: 123665. (24)Shen Y, Li HM, Zhang B*, Cao Y, Guo ZW, Gao X, Chen YP*. An Artificial Neural Network-based Data Filling Approach for Smart Operation of Digital Wastewater Treatment Plants. Environmental Research, 2023, 224: 115549. (23)Mao X, Shen J, Shen Y, Shi WX, Zhang B*. The role of heat/powdered activated carbon/persulfate in membrane fouling control in a coupled aerobic granular sludge–membrane system for municipal wastewater reclamation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 456: 141144. (22)申渝, 毛鑫, 申静, 张冰*, 时文歆. 改性微生物絮凝剂在污水处理过程中的应用及膜污染缓解机制. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(03): 1142-1151. (21)申静, 毛鑫, 张冰*, 尹文洁, 申渝, 时文歆. 膜蒸馏过程中膜污染问题及其缓解策略研究. 中国给水排水, 2023. (20)秦宇, 李健鹏, 毛鑫, 张冰*, 申渝, 时文歆. 膜分离技术去除水中新兴污染物的研究进展. 水处理技术, 2023, 49(07):1-6+26. (19)Zhang B, Mao X, Huang DM, Liu C, Yin WJ, Shen Y, Shi WX*. Performance and membrane fouling in a novel algal bacterial aerobic granular sludge (ABGS)–membrane bioreactor: Effect of ABGS size. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 49: 103155. (18)Zhang B, Shen J, Tang HL, Shen Y, Li JS*, Zhu ZG*. Ion-nucleating competition cooperated with antiscalant for effectively mitigating gypsum scaling in membrane distillation. Desalination, 2022, 539: 115969. (17)Zhang B, Tang HL, Liu C, Li WL, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. Microfiltration pretreatment of polymer-flooding produced wastewater before desalination: Role of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in membrane fouling. Desalination, 2022, 539: 115934. (16)Zhang B, Mao X, Tang XM, Tang HL, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. Effect of modified microbial flocculant on membrane fouling alleviation in a hybrid aerobic granular sludge membrane system for wastewater reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 290: 120819. (15)Zhang B, Tang HL, Gu XL, Li XH, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. Discrepant effects of monovalent cations on membrane fouling induced by colloidal polymer: Evaluation and mechanism investigation. Chemosphere, 2022, 295: 133939. (14)Zhang B, Mao X, Tang XM, Tang HL, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. Pre–coagulation for membrane fouling mitigation in an aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor: A comparative study of modified microbial and organic flocculants. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 644: 120129. (13)Zhang B, Tang HL, Shen Y, Zhang B*, Liu GC*, Shi WX. Comparative Analysis of Membrane Fouling Mechanisms Induced by Colloidal Polymer: Effects of Sodium and Calcium Ions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 608: 780–791. (12)Zhang B, Tang HL, Chen JY, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. New Mechanistic Insights into the Effect of Cations on Membrane Fouling Caused by Anionic Polyacrylamide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 606: 10–21. (11)毛鑫, 张冰*, 唐和礼, 申渝*, 时文歆. 生物法减缓MBR膜污染的研究进展. 中国给水排水, 2022, 38(18): 34–41. (10)张冰, 唐和礼, 黄冬梅, 申渝*, 时文歆. 人工神经网络及智能算法在膜污染研究中的应用. 膜科学与技术, 2021, 41(4): 160-169. (9)唐和礼, 张冰, 毛鑫, 申渝, 时文歆. 人工智能在膜污染研究中的应用进展.给水排水, 2021, 47(07): 134-145. (8)唐和礼, 张冰*, 黄冬梅, 申渝*, 高旭, 时文歆. XDLVO理论在膜污染解析中的应用研究. 化工学报, 2021, 72(03): 1230-1241. (7)Zhang B, Tang HL, Huang DM, Gao X, Zhang B*, Shen Y*, Shi WX. Effect of pH on anionic polyacrylamide adhesion: New insights into membrane fouling based on XDLVO analysis. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 320: 114463-72. (6)Zhang B, Huang DM, Shen Y, Yin WJ, Gao X, Zhang B*, Shi WX*. Treatment of alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding oilfield wastewater with polytetrafluoroethylene microfiltration membrane: Performance and membrane fouling. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8:104462-104473. (5)Zhang B, Huang DM, Shen Y, Yin WJ, Gao X, Zhang B*, Shi WX*. Treatment of municipal wastewater with aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor (AGMBR): Performance and membrane fouling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 273: 123124-123135. (4)黄冬梅, 张冰, 唐和礼, 申渝, 高旭, 时文歆. 好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器的研究进展. 膜科学与技术, 2020, 40(4): 132-140. (3)Zhang B, Zhang RJ, Huang DM, Shen Y, Gao X, Shi WX*. Membrane fouling in microfiltration of alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding oilfield wastewater: Effect of interactions of key foulants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 570: 20-30. (2)Zhang B*, Yu SL, Zhu YB, Shen Y, Gao X, Shi WX*, Tay JH. Adsorption mechanisms of crude oil onto polytetrafluoroethylene membrane: Kinetics and isotherm, and strategies for adsorption fouling control. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 235: 116212-116220. (1)Zhang B, Shi WX*, Yu SL*, Zhu YB, Zhang RJ, Gao X, Tay JH. Adsorption of anion polyacrylamide from aqueous solution by polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane as an adsorbent: Kinetic and isotherm studies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 544: 303–311. (三)出版专著 (2)张冰, 范聪, 申渝 等. 基于膜过程的采油废水处理技术[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2023. (1)郭智威, 张冰, 周月明 等. 数据驱动的水务信息系统建设与应用研究——以重庆市为例[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2021. (四)授权发明专利 (7)张冰,毛鑫,唐晓旻,申静,申渝. 一种改性微生物絮凝剂及其在减缓膜污染中的应用, 2023.8.1, 中国, ZL 2021 11396787.4. (6)张冰, 黄冬梅, 时文歆, 高旭, 申渝, 徐伟, 周月明, 齐高相. 应用于膜法污水处理的膜污染智能化预警方法, 2023.2.7, 中国, ZL 2021 10312977.7. (5)张冰, 黄冬梅, 时文歆, 潘雅戈梅斯·阿维万, 暹娜塔·塞拉帕帕, 高旭, 申渝, 徐伟, 周月明, 齐高相. 一种好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器减缓膜污染的方法, 2022.6.6, 中国, ZL 2020 10600013.8. (4)张冰, 唐和礼, 毛鑫, 申渝. 用于污水处理的智能管理系统及方法, 2022.7.15, 中国, ZL 2021 10340116.X. (3)张冰, 毛鑫, 唐和礼, 申渝. 智能化污水处理装置及方法, 2022.5.20, 中国, ZL 2021 1 0135161.1. (2)张冰, 申渝, 孔莹, 高旭, 王建辉, 齐高祖, 尹文洁. 一种合成药废水组合处理工艺, 2021.6.29, 中国, ZL 2018 1 1015204.7. (1)张冰, 尹文洁, 申渝, 高旭, 齐高相, 王建辉. 污水处理数据采集传输系统, 2021.6.8, 中国, ZL 2018 1 0534193.7. (五)荣誉获奖 (2)发明创业奖成果奖二等奖,中国发明协会,2022.10。 (1)重庆工商大学科技进步一等奖,重庆工商大学,2021.11。 上一条:阳妍 下一条:王建辉 【关闭】